Guys guys guys, I just entered my first writing contest. I'm totally stoked. The chances of me winning are slim, but going through with it was worth it. Wish me luck!
Started chapter 7 (which I added) and it's going well. I keep trying to cover myself to make sure there's no gaping plot holes or parts that don't make sense. Worst part is that I think of them on the bus or when I'm trying to sleep. If I don't write it down, I forget. ARGH.
Also, I have the flu. I'm going to go pass out now.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
This is the Part that Never Ends
Quick update to say I finally finished chapter 6. I really enjoyed writing this one. Ash is such a fun character to write. Current word count sitting at 36,441 and I'm at 67 pages. I am 33 pages off of version one's length. I am nearing halfway numbers, so I need to seriously think about what I'm going to do for the next few chapters. I may have to deviate from the original plans...which will be nothing new.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Orchard of Mines
I am almost done chapter 6. I have decided that another chapter on the Eastern Base is needed to conclude this portion of the story. If I kept going, chapter 6 would be over 7000 words. I think I want to switch to Ash's perspective anyway, especially for the upcoming battle involving the giant robot minotaur, the Laelaps class operatives and the effects of a very special coffee machine. This...probably makes no sense. Excellent. I am also about halfway through chapter 8...which I guess will be chapter 9 now. How annoying. At any rate, I'm not certain how to finish the one part, because I'm not sure what Myra will do in the situation she's in. I know how Ash will react, but I can't decide on Myra. ARGH.
Just to prove I've made progress since the last page count's a new page count update!
Current rough draft completion: 39.2% (prolly more like 35% because I'm most likely going to have more pages than planned)
Overall completion: 29.4%
Word Count: 35,314
Some music I have been listening to tonight for the writing of chapter 6:
Just to prove I've made progress since the last page count's a new page count update!
Current rough draft completion: 39.2% (prolly more like 35% because I'm most likely going to have more pages than planned)
Overall completion: 29.4%
Word Count: 35,314
Some music I have been listening to tonight for the writing of chapter 6:
artifact 1,
chapter 6,
chapter 8,
giant robot minotaur,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Can Lit
"Names have power. This is the fundamental principle of magic everywhere. Call out the name of a supernatural being, and you will have its instant and undivided attention..."
-"Monkey Beach" by Eden Robinson
I find my Canadian Literature class, surprisingly, to be one of the best classes I've taken so far. Every year the spring courses amaze me with how good they are. The university is so beautiful and peaceful in the spring. All the leaves on the trees and the flowers come out and the air isn't too hot or two cold. The rain doesn't bother me too much, but it always rains on me when I forget my umbrella at home. I never get rained on when I have it with me in my bag.
Our professor is extremely knowledgeable about this term's subject in Can Lit: Indigenous Spirits and Monsters. I am completely truthful when I say that I had no idea this was the topic of our class. I went into this class thinking I would be bored out of my mind, but this class is tied with Literary Theory in terms of awesome (which is mostly the prof's doing). I expected both Can Lit and Literary Theory to be dull, but they surprised me. I am even taking a higher level Literary Theory class next year. Yes, I am insane.
The first book we are reading is "Monkey Beach". It's about a Haisla girl named Lisa Hill, who lives in the middle of British Columbia on the coast (and it's Haisla NOT Haida...our prof made a point of clarifying that after she showed us a review where the two names were mixed up). The book mixes relationships with family, growing up, dealing with loss and elements of the "supernatural". I won't go into too much detail because I'm not trying to write a review, but essentially the story is about the search for Lisa's lost brother, Jimmy. At any rate it's the most fun I've had reading an assigned book in AGES. I'd definitely recommend "Monkey Beach" to anyone who wants a good read.
The class is also interesting because we discuss the issues of fantastical or supernatural beings being real and a part of our world. We discuss the idea of the supernatural as being simply natural and I find that idea interesting. I've always had an underlying belief in ghosts and personally I think this is all super cool.
I am also finding a lot of neat ideas and modes of thinking to use in WMRR...especially later for when Teumessian comes into the story closer to the end. I can't wait to write that part. I would write some of the later parts now, but I find I need to write this more or less in order. I will occasionally skip on chapter because details in that chunk of plot is easy to fix. However, since the story changes so much as I write it, I cannot write something 10 chapters from now in case something preceding it changes. The whole piece will become a mess. For now, I am keeping good notes.
-"Monkey Beach" by Eden Robinson
I find my Canadian Literature class, surprisingly, to be one of the best classes I've taken so far. Every year the spring courses amaze me with how good they are. The university is so beautiful and peaceful in the spring. All the leaves on the trees and the flowers come out and the air isn't too hot or two cold. The rain doesn't bother me too much, but it always rains on me when I forget my umbrella at home. I never get rained on when I have it with me in my bag.
Our professor is extremely knowledgeable about this term's subject in Can Lit: Indigenous Spirits and Monsters. I am completely truthful when I say that I had no idea this was the topic of our class. I went into this class thinking I would be bored out of my mind, but this class is tied with Literary Theory in terms of awesome (which is mostly the prof's doing). I expected both Can Lit and Literary Theory to be dull, but they surprised me. I am even taking a higher level Literary Theory class next year. Yes, I am insane.
The first book we are reading is "Monkey Beach". It's about a Haisla girl named Lisa Hill, who lives in the middle of British Columbia on the coast (and it's Haisla NOT Haida...our prof made a point of clarifying that after she showed us a review where the two names were mixed up). The book mixes relationships with family, growing up, dealing with loss and elements of the "supernatural". I won't go into too much detail because I'm not trying to write a review, but essentially the story is about the search for Lisa's lost brother, Jimmy. At any rate it's the most fun I've had reading an assigned book in AGES. I'd definitely recommend "Monkey Beach" to anyone who wants a good read.
The class is also interesting because we discuss the issues of fantastical or supernatural beings being real and a part of our world. We discuss the idea of the supernatural as being simply natural and I find that idea interesting. I've always had an underlying belief in ghosts and personally I think this is all super cool.
I am also finding a lot of neat ideas and modes of thinking to use in WMRR...especially later for when Teumessian comes into the story closer to the end. I can't wait to write that part. I would write some of the later parts now, but I find I need to write this more or less in order. I will occasionally skip on chapter because details in that chunk of plot is easy to fix. However, since the story changes so much as I write it, I cannot write something 10 chapters from now in case something preceding it changes. The whole piece will become a mess. For now, I am keeping good notes.
Can Lit,
Monkey Beach,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Summer Contest
New summer contest I think I'm going to enter one of my short stories into:
First Prize - $1000 and publication
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $100
Submission Fee - $20
I could use a bit of money and publication would be fun, so I'm going for it. I encourage others too as well. Wag's Revue is also open to general submissions. Give it a browse, the magazine is online and free!
Writing is coming along slowly, but surely. I need to work out some details as I go...mostly plot holes. I keep defeating myself. I also don't think I'm being descriptive enough about the world I'm creating. I didn't want to emphasize it too much, because it's mostly the internal affairs that count, but the external context is important for understanding as well. I don't know if I'm providing that or not. At any rate, I'm half done chapter 6 and 8. Both will be easy to finish, I just need to DO IT.
I am also doing my videos once again. I have the first Dungeon Keeper Mission posted on my YouTube. Check it out and leave some feedback. You know you want to.
...the bubbles turned to ice in my Coca Cola.
First Prize - $1000 and publication
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $100
Submission Fee - $20
I could use a bit of money and publication would be fun, so I'm going for it. I encourage others too as well. Wag's Revue is also open to general submissions. Give it a browse, the magazine is online and free!
Writing is coming along slowly, but surely. I need to work out some details as I go...mostly plot holes. I keep defeating myself. I also don't think I'm being descriptive enough about the world I'm creating. I didn't want to emphasize it too much, because it's mostly the internal affairs that count, but the external context is important for understanding as well. I don't know if I'm providing that or not. At any rate, I'm half done chapter 6 and 8. Both will be easy to finish, I just need to DO IT.
I am also doing my videos once again. I have the first Dungeon Keeper Mission posted on my YouTube. Check it out and leave some feedback. You know you want to.
...the bubbles turned to ice in my Coca Cola.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
To Boredom and Beyond
But mostly just boredom.
Over the last week I've made little progress on WMRR, writing only about 1000 words in total. I suppose some progress is better than none (if you can call that progress). At any rate, I've been bored out of my mind. I got God of War 1 and 2 since it was recommended to me by a few friends. After about an hour playing it, I was so frustrated that I was seriously tempted to quit. I haven't played a hack and slash game in a long time, so I don't know if I just need to get my game on, but I'm hoping that it grows on me. It cost me $30 and I don't have a job yet (though I'm pretty sure Staples will take me back). Yes, I have returned to my lowest denominator. Not THE lowest, just my lowest. Meh, who knows, could be fun.
I learned that one of the books I've been waiting for "The Ragged Man" by Tom Lloyd is coming out this August, which is something to look forward to. Another book "Republic of Thieves" by Scott Lynch is coming out around the same time (though I think the paperback is coming out in September). Maybe I can set the new due date for my book around this time and celebrate its completion with the buying of the books. I think normal people would go drinking or clubbing.
In the course of writing chapter 6 I've come up with a new class of special forces for the Popular government called the "Laelaps". I was looking for a mythological creature for their name and came across that. In Greek Mythology, "Laelaps" is a hound that can catch any creature. With this discovery I came up with the name "Teumessian", which will be summoned spirit that will appear later on around chapter 20. Teumessian is a fox in Greek Mythology that cannot be caught. They are essentially from the same story and form a paradox. I will have a lot of fun with this later.

Above: A picture of Laelaps and Teumessian...because I felt like putting one in.
Also, this guy is all kinds of awesome. He's a 45-year-old gamer from Britain who's learning how to play Call of Duty, and it's amazing how much he reminds me of my dad. Creepy in a way, but he plays just like him.
PS - FINALLY got Dungeon Keeper 1 to work in DOSbox. Turns out I was using the wrong file the whole time. After I used the right file, I used the wrong sound card etc. After four long days, I got the program to work so that I can record videos with FRAPS. I'm back in business. New videos by the end of the week.
Over the last week I've made little progress on WMRR, writing only about 1000 words in total. I suppose some progress is better than none (if you can call that progress). At any rate, I've been bored out of my mind. I got God of War 1 and 2 since it was recommended to me by a few friends. After about an hour playing it, I was so frustrated that I was seriously tempted to quit. I haven't played a hack and slash game in a long time, so I don't know if I just need to get my game on, but I'm hoping that it grows on me. It cost me $30 and I don't have a job yet (though I'm pretty sure Staples will take me back). Yes, I have returned to my lowest denominator. Not THE lowest, just my lowest. Meh, who knows, could be fun.
I learned that one of the books I've been waiting for "The Ragged Man" by Tom Lloyd is coming out this August, which is something to look forward to. Another book "Republic of Thieves" by Scott Lynch is coming out around the same time (though I think the paperback is coming out in September). Maybe I can set the new due date for my book around this time and celebrate its completion with the buying of the books. I think normal people would go drinking or clubbing.
In the course of writing chapter 6 I've come up with a new class of special forces for the Popular government called the "Laelaps". I was looking for a mythological creature for their name and came across that. In Greek Mythology, "Laelaps" is a hound that can catch any creature. With this discovery I came up with the name "Teumessian", which will be summoned spirit that will appear later on around chapter 20. Teumessian is a fox in Greek Mythology that cannot be caught. They are essentially from the same story and form a paradox. I will have a lot of fun with this later.
Above: A picture of Laelaps and Teumessian...because I felt like putting one in.
Also, this guy is all kinds of awesome. He's a 45-year-old gamer from Britain who's learning how to play Call of Duty, and it's amazing how much he reminds me of my dad. Creepy in a way, but he plays just like him.
PS - FINALLY got Dungeon Keeper 1 to work in DOSbox. Turns out I was using the wrong file the whole time. After I used the right file, I used the wrong sound card etc. After four long days, I got the program to work so that I can record videos with FRAPS. I'm back in business. New videos by the end of the week.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Free Comic Book Day?
For the fifth year in a row, I have forgotten about it and remembered two days later that I intended to go. One day, I will go to the comic store for the event. One day...
So uh, I didn't finish chapter 6. I started chapter 8 instead. I still wasn't sure how to incorporate all I wanted to into the chapter, so I skipped ahead to something I knew how to write. I'm about 1/3 through chapter 8 now. I keep getting distracted by shiny video games and parties at friend's houses. I should be done a lot more, but I figure I'm in no hurry now that I'm certain I can't make the May 31 deadline. I do, however, have the urge to write. Now that I have no school to worry about, I'm constantly working out my ideas and possible plot holes. I also realized that I need more information about the political structures of this world I'm building. I'm a little vague on the details.
In other news, I updated EGAW Tips. I guess it should actually be "EGAWT", but that's besides the point. New information on points of view, vocabulary and grammar. I also noticed that some people have been finding their way to my website without me linking them. I'd love to insert a giant smiley face here if I could. I know that I can't get anyone to view my work or critic it if I don't advertise, so I'm gradually trying to expand my existence on the interwebs. So far I've determined that only a handful of people view this blog aside from myself and that's good enough for me. Thank you whoever you are for having even the slightest interest in my activities. Invisible support is better than none!
So uh, I didn't finish chapter 6. I started chapter 8 instead. I still wasn't sure how to incorporate all I wanted to into the chapter, so I skipped ahead to something I knew how to write. I'm about 1/3 through chapter 8 now. I keep getting distracted by shiny video games and parties at friend's houses. I should be done a lot more, but I figure I'm in no hurry now that I'm certain I can't make the May 31 deadline. I do, however, have the urge to write. Now that I have no school to worry about, I'm constantly working out my ideas and possible plot holes. I also realized that I need more information about the political structures of this world I'm building. I'm a little vague on the details.
In other news, I updated EGAW Tips. I guess it should actually be "EGAWT", but that's besides the point. New information on points of view, vocabulary and grammar. I also noticed that some people have been finding their way to my website without me linking them. I'd love to insert a giant smiley face here if I could. I know that I can't get anyone to view my work or critic it if I don't advertise, so I'm gradually trying to expand my existence on the interwebs. So far I've determined that only a handful of people view this blog aside from myself and that's good enough for me. Thank you whoever you are for having even the slightest interest in my activities. Invisible support is better than none!
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