Sunday, January 9, 2011


I read differently.

I discovered I enjoy trashy novels, but only if they are passable. Only if they can be redeemed. I am currently reading "Age of Ra" by James Lovegrove. It is a horribly cheesy, cliched book full of death, horrible sentences, plot holes and hilarious usage of BIG WORDS, but it's entertaining. It's a fun book. Essentially the Egyptian gods have defeated all other religions and pantheons and have become the sole gods on earth. Two warring factions were created because of this: ones who worship Osiris and the others who worship Nephthferereiriewshfdhswhateverthenameis (seriously I can't pronounce ph and th together, so all the letters after them look EXACTLY like that to me while reading). The only place neutral is "Freegypt"...which is pretty much Egypt. This notion is fantastic. This irony is actually funny. So far, there's been soldiers dying, commanders spewing nonsense and over-the-top cliche lines, ANCIENT EGYPTIAN LASER BEAMS (I am not shitting you here...just like YTAS man), getting lost in deserts, sodomy (...), random love interests and a lot of random bullshit about the gods that sort of makes sense but needs cleaning up. This my friends, is the kind of exercise my brain needs. The writing and story is good enough that I can stay engaged and bad enough that I can edit as I go. I found a new hobby!

WMRR progress is slow as usual. I have finally, FINALLY typed "Chapter 10" on a page. This, my friends, is the double digits. This is where it gets real. OH YES. That said I still have a tiny portion of chapter 9 to write which includes a short discussion and a description of Joey and Jennifer Strongback. Yes I'm going to leave that ambiguous. Excuse me while I grin stupidly.

School starts on Monday. I have mixed feelings. I want to go back and take another stab at school. At the same time, I got the outline for my 500 level history course. Two individual presentations, a research paper and a participation mark worth 25%. The bright side? Well there's no final? Blugh.

Constantly making up new words.


No, I will not explain.

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