Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well Butter My Biscuit

This is the third post in a short period of time, but I'm done chapter 11 and I figured it was worth ranting and raving about. I technically finished last night, but I was so tired that the end of the chapter turned out rushed and...well stupid. Despite what you may have heard, there is no "L" in "machine." Herp de derp tired brain is tired.

I also felt the need to gather my thoughts and figure out what's what. Then I did something stupid. I looked at old chapters, skimming them to pick out related parts and make sure everything is working out. It is...more or less, but I have a lot of clarification work to do.


The only problem is I started highlighting the pink parts as blue because I thought that the blue was pink, but really it was pink not blue and therefore, I had to go back and re-highlight some of the pink parts so that they actually weren't blue. I had no difficulty with the green.

I also discovered that up until about chapter...7ish, my writing is mostly trash. That, my friends, is why looking back is DANGEROUS. I clarified some points, but for the most part I think I'm going to be re-writing all those chapters again. Not now, because I'm not allowed to (slap my wrists please), but in the second draft.
Also, I'm going to do something crazy. I'm going to switch chapter 12 and Dan's Interlude. Okay, maybe that's not so crazy.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2 + 2 = Fish

2010: 358 days +
2011: 59 days
=417 days

Words: 67977 -
Prologue, Chapt. 1, Chapt. 2: 9933
= 58044 words

58044 / 417
=139.19 words per day

Estimated final word count: 110000

110000 - 67977
=42023 words left

42023 / 139.19
=301.91 days until completion


78 days until September.

42023 / 78
=538.76 words per day

200 days until the new year.

42023 / 200
=210.11 words per day

Therefore, if I write a proposal length essay every day this summer, I will be finished the first draft. If I write the equivalent of my average blog post, I will be done before the new year. That's not so hard right? Right?

Now I know why writers usually don't like math.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dude, What's the Password?

Got too many of them now since I changed them all to random codes and such a few years back. Spent about 15 minutes trying to remember my one YouTube account pass because I was logged out for some reason or another. That'll teach me to use the same password for years, get my msn hacked, change my passwords to stupid code and then forget them all when I need it most.

So in the past 12 days I have...



Finished Infamous.


Fini---oh wait nope.


Learned about Assassin's Creed Revelations.




Edited like crazy. Can't forget the editing.



And that's about it. Okay....what did I actually DO these past few weeks?




Now that I've wasted tons of digital space, time to talk about writing! Maybe some websites too. More websites, because I've just been thinking about writing. Mostly agonizing about plot points and fixing all the terrible bits. Unfortunately this is going to be most of my work. Not sure if I'm being too hard on myself or not.

I have a concrete idea for my manuscript writing class. The only downside is I might have to do some travelling across Canada and I---wait, what's the problem here? Oh yeah. Money and time. Bleigh.

So, websites and videos:

Sam and Fuzzy - Webcomic
Genderless Baby - Article
Write Like a Man - Article....*shrug*
Something to Be Angry About - Article
Skyrim Gameplay - Video
Canadian Ned - Video
No Words Exist to Explain This - Video

Hmm...I'm beginning to see my problem here...