I think I had something important to say, but I've long forgotten it.
I probably fall under category five...though it's not quite accurate. I think you have to be somewhat popular (or under the impression that you're popular) for that to work. This blog isn't intended to inflate my ego though...it's suppose to keep me on track and record PROGRESS. I'd put stars and fireworks and magical rainbows and unicorns around "PROGRESS", but I ran out.
April 27th, I will be participating in a reading with my classmates and other students from the creative writing department. I am advertising here because I'm delusional, but also in the hopes that I can fill another few seats. The event starts at 5pm in the John Dutton Theatre at the Public Library Downtown. So come and join us to listen to the work of people infinitely more talented than myself. That or you're welcome to come heckle me. I'll be the awkward one...probably wearing a brown fedora.
Also, this is where research for one of my papers has led me:
Number 12 demonstrates why I hate the Fantastic Four comics/why I find them creepy. I also have Venture Bros to thank for this.
These sites have nothing to do with my topic. I can't even remember what I was searching for.
I also have some research to do for the upcoming election. I'm irritated that we're voting AGAIN, so I'm going to figure out what all their platforms are, why I hate each party and other relevant information to deduce who I will vote for. I think I might even post this on my other blog as a rant...because that's all I do on my other blog.
Also, Art Spiegelman is in town this week. Yay.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
So it turns out that the new release date for Republic of Thieves is JANUARY 10, 2012. BALLS AND A HALF. It's enough to make you cry rivers of madness. Yeah, even I don't know what that means. I was hopeful that it would be this year, maybe even October or November...but no. No that hope was dashed today at that fateful Chapters book search station in Chinook. I thought I'd post an update on that here since that's one of the reasons people are actually finding this blog. So...you're welcome?
Man, this book had better be good. At least it hasn't been 12 years (Duke Nukem Forever anyone? Not that I ever played the originals...and the game looks pretty...not what I'd like.)
Also, speaking of stuff that never gets made, published or written...I finished Dan's interlude. Finally. It's long. I'll probably need to cut a few parts out, but I'm not sure which ones yet. That or I need to make Dedrad's part A LOT longer. I probably should anyway because his interlude isn't as interesting.
I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I think that the place I'm going to insert a lot of explanation on the mechanics of my world in Chapter 1. I need to rewrite it anyways because it's...not fitting with the tone of the rest of the story the way I want it to. So right now I have Chapter 1 and Dedrad's Interlude first on the docket for overhaul when I'm done this. If ever.
Lordy I still have a long way to go. There's an element I'm debating about the end. I am no where close to writing it, but need to decide what's going to happen to two of the characters. I'm hoping that the story will just reveal the answer as I write, but either way, I'm not sure if I'll be completely satisfied with either alternative.
I've made tons of progress in the last year. It's funny because I look back to March of last year and I had JUST finished Dedrad's interlude. Calculating the progress from there until now, this means that I will take another two years to finish this. I'm not liking those stats. I'm going to try and get this done before summer 2012 (NOT BECAUSE THE WORLD IS "ENDING"). I'm planning a 3 month trip to Europe that summer and I want the completion of this to be a reason for celebrating with that trip (aside from...you know graduating university...). I have a lot of work to do, and that's not taking into account school work, work work and any other incidents that may crop up in the meantime.
I am also horrible at setting goals and deadlines for myself. Heh, heh.
Man, this book had better be good. At least it hasn't been 12 years (Duke Nukem Forever anyone? Not that I ever played the originals...and the game looks pretty...not what I'd like.)
Also, speaking of stuff that never gets made, published or written...I finished Dan's interlude. Finally. It's long. I'll probably need to cut a few parts out, but I'm not sure which ones yet. That or I need to make Dedrad's part A LOT longer. I probably should anyway because his interlude isn't as interesting.
I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I think that the place I'm going to insert a lot of explanation on the mechanics of my world in Chapter 1. I need to rewrite it anyways because it's...not fitting with the tone of the rest of the story the way I want it to. So right now I have Chapter 1 and Dedrad's Interlude first on the docket for overhaul when I'm done this. If ever.
Lordy I still have a long way to go. There's an element I'm debating about the end. I am no where close to writing it, but need to decide what's going to happen to two of the characters. I'm hoping that the story will just reveal the answer as I write, but either way, I'm not sure if I'll be completely satisfied with either alternative.
I've made tons of progress in the last year. It's funny because I look back to March of last year and I had JUST finished Dedrad's interlude. Calculating the progress from there until now, this means that I will take another two years to finish this. I'm not liking those stats. I'm going to try and get this done before summer 2012 (NOT BECAUSE THE WORLD IS "ENDING"). I'm planning a 3 month trip to Europe that summer and I want the completion of this to be a reason for celebrating with that trip (aside from...you know graduating university...). I have a lot of work to do, and that's not taking into account school work, work work and any other incidents that may crop up in the meantime.
I am also horrible at setting goals and deadlines for myself. Heh, heh.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I get the strangest search words or phrases listed under my stats for my blogs. My favourites include "Gary Lutz" (who I think I mentioned ONCE on a list in a random post...forgot who he was and had to google him again), "the majority of religions", "??? 4?" and "big tits". I'm not sure where the "big tits" comes in, because I have never (aside from now) talked about tits of any sort, big or small. I also wonder why someone would click on this site if they were looking for "big tits". I mean maybe it's some acne-ridden teenager who lives under a rock either searching it for giggles or for...other reasons, but really, "Where Mighty Rivers Run" and "Critical Drivel Theory" don't really indicate that there would be "big tits" on these pages. I don't even use "big tits" in my tag lines. I've no doubt used "big" before, but "tits"?
Of course I'm just asking for more people to click on this thinking they'll see "big tits". They'll see the WORDS "big tits" tons of times now, but that's certainly not what they were expecting.
And I'm (not) sorry, but you will never see any of that on either one of these sites. I'm REALLY not that type of girl. Would kind of undermine everything I've worked for in the past few years, and would GUARANTEE to undermine me for the rest of my life. Honestly...what people post on the internet about themselves is absolutely shocking. No wonder employers look here (and yes, I am aware that future employers can look here to judge me as well...OHI FUTURE! PLEASE HIRE ME, I'M PROBABLY UNEMPLOYED AND VERY HUNGRY). I've got to stop writing these at 2 in the morning.
Anyway, I just thought that was...odd. I am still writing. Really. I'm probably not helping my rep any by talking about "big tits", but it's not like I had a rep to begin with. If, one day, I do have one, you can all search this and giggle at my stupidity and randomness and I will not think any worse of you for it. You have my permission.
I've been experimenting with a new idea, and I'm liking the outcome. It's a lot more violent and descriptive than I'm used to writing, which can be considered an improvement in my writing. WMRR has it's violent parts, but I'm going with a "no holds barred" attitude in this case. Might not go anywhere, but it's good to try new styles, forms and ideas.
WMRR has ground to a halt again. I have a ton of essays and a short story due in the next four weeks, and I need to focus a lot on that. The rough draft of my essay was reviewed this week. I need to be more original and organized (imagine that). It's tough getting your work torn to shreds. I'm getting better at it, especially when I KNOW I've put effort and thought into something (because the critiques aren't that harsh). One of the hard lessons to learn as an aspiring writer. People aren't going to like your work sometimes, and they will be brutal with their words. The moral of the story is just to suck it up, have a drink with a couple friends and move on.
In the meantime...current projects:
-Bulletstorm soundtrack continuous mix
-Research for essays
-Writing of essays
-Dungeon Keeper Episode 14
-Finish Dan's Interlude
-Finish Chapter 10
-Start Chapter 11, 12
I think those are the right chapters...I can't remember so late at night. Or early in the morning. You decide.
And no, I'm not tagging this post with "big tits".
Of course I'm just asking for more people to click on this thinking they'll see "big tits". They'll see the WORDS "big tits" tons of times now, but that's certainly not what they were expecting.
And I'm (not) sorry, but you will never see any of that on either one of these sites. I'm REALLY not that type of girl. Would kind of undermine everything I've worked for in the past few years, and would GUARANTEE to undermine me for the rest of my life. Honestly...what people post on the internet about themselves is absolutely shocking. No wonder employers look here (and yes, I am aware that future employers can look here to judge me as well...OHI FUTURE! PLEASE HIRE ME, I'M PROBABLY UNEMPLOYED AND VERY HUNGRY). I've got to stop writing these at 2 in the morning.
Anyway, I just thought that was...odd. I am still writing. Really. I'm probably not helping my rep any by talking about "big tits", but it's not like I had a rep to begin with. If, one day, I do have one, you can all search this and giggle at my stupidity and randomness and I will not think any worse of you for it. You have my permission.
I've been experimenting with a new idea, and I'm liking the outcome. It's a lot more violent and descriptive than I'm used to writing, which can be considered an improvement in my writing. WMRR has it's violent parts, but I'm going with a "no holds barred" attitude in this case. Might not go anywhere, but it's good to try new styles, forms and ideas.
WMRR has ground to a halt again. I have a ton of essays and a short story due in the next four weeks, and I need to focus a lot on that. The rough draft of my essay was reviewed this week. I need to be more original and organized (imagine that). It's tough getting your work torn to shreds. I'm getting better at it, especially when I KNOW I've put effort and thought into something (because the critiques aren't that harsh). One of the hard lessons to learn as an aspiring writer. People aren't going to like your work sometimes, and they will be brutal with their words. The moral of the story is just to suck it up, have a drink with a couple friends and move on.
In the meantime...current projects:
-Bulletstorm soundtrack continuous mix
-Research for essays
-Writing of essays
-Dungeon Keeper Episode 14
-Finish Dan's Interlude
-Finish Chapter 10
-Start Chapter 11, 12
I think those are the right chapters...I can't remember so late at night. Or early in the morning. You decide.
And no, I'm not tagging this post with "big tits".
odd search phrases,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Republic of Thieves
Is supposed to be released tomorrow. Then in Can Lit today (yes I do pay attention...this just required my immediate attention due to my hapless fangirl status) I found out that the release date might actually be in October/November. Why Mr. Lynch? Why do you torture me so? I mean, you're not as bad as R.R. Martin (which I haven't read yet...please don't shoot me it's on the list), but honestly. I can't handle the fake outs. I was looking forward to not being able to get my 20 page research essay done because I would be too invested in reading the third book of the Gentleman Bastard Sequence.
But the Chapters site still says March 9, 2011. I have hope. Seriously though, I almost cried when I saw October/November. Watery-eyed and everything. Though, that may be the dryness. I will cry for real if I don't have the book in my hands by the end of the week.
Though reading about criminal transportation in the Atlantic is most fascinating. I will keep telling myself that until the paper is done.
(I jest, I'm actually interested in the topic)
In other news, survived my latest critique. I have to admit, it was the best one I've had since the penny story. Tons of jokes. Thanks my fellow classmates. You're contributions were useful and hilarious.
Also have a new idea for a story, though, I don't think I can use it for my final submission. It'll be too long. I am excited for writing and thinking about it though. When I have a paper due.
But the Chapters site still says March 9, 2011. I have hope. Seriously though, I almost cried when I saw October/November. Watery-eyed and everything. Though, that may be the dryness. I will cry for real if I don't have the book in my hands by the end of the week.
Though reading about criminal transportation in the Atlantic is most fascinating. I will keep telling myself that until the paper is done.
(I jest, I'm actually interested in the topic)
In other news, survived my latest critique. I have to admit, it was the best one I've had since the penny story. Tons of jokes. Thanks my fellow classmates. You're contributions were useful and hilarious.
Also have a new idea for a story, though, I don't think I can use it for my final submission. It'll be too long. I am excited for writing and thinking about it though. When I have a paper due.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The Second Interlude
Man, this really was the chapter than never ends. I started with a simple idea, and it kept going and going and going. I had my own personal energizer bunny by the end. This chapter taught me one main lesson: stories have a mind of their own. I'm sure I knew that before, but after this...I realized that I need to do a lot more work on poor Dedrad. He's my least developed character. He needs a little TLC, because he's an important foil for Ash. That and I need to rewrite chapter 1. This has been a long-term project, so naturally my style of writing has changed. Chapter 1 is a little too slap-stick for my liking. First half stays, second half needs help. I think this is the place where I'll explain the mechanics of my story's world. It's the perfect place for it.
I put a lot of work and research into Dan's chapter. First part, inspirational/fitting songs for the piece. Second part is reference material. My God those knives are beautiful. If I had $2000 dollars of expendable cash, I'd be all over that. Though, I'm pretty sure Canadian customs would have a few choice words about bringing tactical knives over the border.
Dead Inside - X-ray Dog
Enigmatic Soul - Two Steps From Hell
Morrocan Roll - X-ray Dog (and no I don't know why it isn't spelled "Moroccan" aside from the play on words...more rock 'n roll...har)
Lake of Fire - Nirvana
Jay Fisher World Class Knife Maker
I am now OFFICIALLY done one third of my novel. I expect the final product in rough to be around 300 pages by the end at this rate. Take that number and subtract 10-15%. Therefore, we should be sitting around 255-270 pages and 131500 words...which will probably be too much. Lots of editing to be done ladies and gents, though I took a few extra liberties with chapters than I should have. Maybe I'm over-explaining. Meh, it's only version 3 of WMRR (technically 2.5, but we'll say three for the sake of keeping the concept simple).
I put a lot of work and research into Dan's chapter. First part, inspirational/fitting songs for the piece. Second part is reference material. My God those knives are beautiful. If I had $2000 dollars of expendable cash, I'd be all over that. Though, I'm pretty sure Canadian customs would have a few choice words about bringing tactical knives over the border.
Dead Inside - X-ray Dog
Enigmatic Soul - Two Steps From Hell
Morrocan Roll - X-ray Dog (and no I don't know why it isn't spelled "Moroccan" aside from the play on words...more rock 'n roll...har)
Lake of Fire - Nirvana
Jay Fisher World Class Knife Maker

chapter 1,
completion update,
hovering goats,
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